Cancel / Reschedule

Cancel and reschedule your lesson here

Dobra wiadomość! Wprowadziliśmy nowy formularz online, aby ułatwić anulowanie lub przełożenie zajęć. Wystarczy go wypełnić w razie potrzeby, a ja zajmę się resztą.
Uwaga: Do formularza mają zastosowanie warunki i zasady Regulaminu.

Great news! We’ve introduced a new online form to make it easier for you to cancel or reschedule your lessons. Simply fill it out whenever needed, and I’ll take care of the rest.
Note: Terms & Conditions apply to this form.

🌟 Big News Coming Your Way! 🌟

I’m excited to share that I’m about to add something new to my offerings! Alongside my passion for teaching languages, I’ll soon be stepping into the role of a “gewichtsconsulent” – that’s a nutrition consultant for those not familiar with the term.

I’m not quite ready to roll this out just yet, but I wanted to give you a heads-up. If you’re interested in improving your language skills or could use a bit of guidance on your nutrition journey, I’ll soon be here to support you in both areas.

Stay tuned for more details and updates. I can’t wait to share this new chapter with you!

Thank you for all your support—it means the world to me!
